The night was no less exciting than the evening. The cat was yelling at the open bedroom door, not wanting to come in or out. Nothing but habit. Sashka suspected constipation, but the cat was terribly offended, and was even silent for a whole minute! But as soon as everyone dozed off, he began again.

— Skiziiii! — Sashka hissed, demanding silence.

-Skiziiii- The guests were calling from the bedroom, begging to shut up.

The cat fell silent, considered the situation, and began to yell again. We tried in vain to sleep.

— Skizi, damn it! — I got angry. -Come here immediately!

The cat was silent for a long time, apparently thoughtful. I even managed to doze off, encouraged by the silence.

— Meowwow! — But as soon as the thought process was completed, he howled desperately loudly and the dream vanished.

I immediately sat down.

“Well, Mazonkin…” Sashka hissed in such a tone that simply could not portend anything good.

-Ururuuu.- The cat swore in half a tone.

And then the worst happened.

— Kitty, kitty, kitty. — They called from the bedroom.

Sasha and I hid. I stopped being angry and cheered up. The cat is the most kitty-kitty-kitty heard only once in his life. And I remember being terribly offended.

— URURURU?! “I swear, I just yelled like that, caps. I mean kitty-kitty?!?! What is this, ME?!

Sasha and I neighed into the pillow so as not to provoke the wrath of the Great and Terrible, and he rushed into the bedroom. I jumped on the bed (I didn’t see it myself, but I know for sure), and began to lecture on the correct way to address a cat. He marched across the bed, stepping wherever he could, face, ear, belly, while the guests hid under the covers. Since the guests, in fact, were guests, they could not take any measures. Laughing, I sent Sasha to the rescue. The cat yelled and fought back like a wild tiger and, leaving, tried to grab a blanket. When Sashka brought him to us, he did not want to lie down, and mournfully groaning, he went into the bedroom. He angrily crucified the guests to the sides, and lay down like an asterisk in the middle. Not accustomed to such interference in the sleeping space, the guests kept tossing and turning, touching the cat and, of course, raking to the fullest. In the morning we all got up together. According to the plan — a visit to Peterhof. Sasha and I felt extremely cheerful. What can not be said about the sleepy and disheveled guests))))

— How did you sleep? — Asked Sasha.

-Good.- As expected, no one passed the cat.

When the cat himself appeared in the kitchen, we began shamelessly neighing. Disheveled, disheveled, most sleepless, he yawned so that the skeleton of the tail was visible.

“What, Mazonkin, is it tiresome to bring up guests?” Sasha giggled, stroking the cat.

— Urururu! — The cat complained.

— Offended you these two, yes?

— Ururuuu! — The Cat voiced an octave higher.

— I can’t sleep all night long!

— Ururururuuuu!

— We didn’t touch it at all! -Began to justify the guests. We couldn’t even move!

— Urururuuuuu!!

— Oh, we’ve made a little koooooty.

— Ururururuuuuu.

I just waved my hand. Artists, damn it! It’s even better in public than usual.